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You can help! Thousands of families suffer in silence. They struggle to juggle their personal financial priorities while paying for in-home care services for their loved one.


We know this firsthand because we did the exact same thing for many years as our mom’s Alzheimer's progressed.


Your donation will allow us to provide grants to families who are in crisis due to a loved one being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. These grants will help families to subsidize the cost for in-home care services.






We need to secure as much funding as possible to help as many families as needed.


Your gift will be put to work immediately. As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation, our programs are primarily supported by individual and corporate contributions. You can receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.  


Our donation process is simple and quick. In just 30 seconds, your donation will be on its way to support a family struggling with how to care for a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer's.


We appreciate your willingness to help by giving a donation. Every penny will help. Thank you so much!

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When donating - to avoid incurring a PayPal fee you must use your bank account and please choose the "Friends and Family" option. You must change the default setting to select "Friends and Family." Thank you!


   Additional donation options:





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